Sunday, 10 July 2011

Mumm-Ra, so far.....

Well thisis the basic outline etc I have done for the Mumm-Ra painting.  I have made a few alterations since this picture was taken but I plan on starting the painting either today or tomorrow morning.  I had done another Mumm-Ra but I was not 100% happy with it but I was working on....but then I made a mistake and undercoated the card with the wrong paint LOL and the acrylic was just not taking to it, every brush stroke was taking more off than it was putting on so I scrapped it started fresh with the drawing above.  I think this drawing captures the look of Mumm-Ra I remember from the cartoon.  I added a little pendant to the robe with his snake logo.....not sure if I will keep it, thats my personal might be better to keep it 100% 80's.  I am also not sure about the spirits of evil in the back ground, I might not keep them either. 

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