Saturday, 2 July 2011

The 80's= LOADS of new work :D

As you may or may not know I love animation, especially the cartoons of the 80's.  I used to watch Rolf Harris and he would always draw the cartton characters like Woody Wood Pecker, Elmer Fud and Bugs Bunny etc.  This was one of the biggest influences when I was young as I would do the same.  Even though I was about 4, I was drawing (too the best of my ability at the time) Lion-O and other Thundercats, He-Man and Skeletor and the Masters of the Universe and Bravestar and Optimus Prime and all the other Transformers.
Also growing up I had a good collection of Transformers, G.I. Joe and Thundercats comics.
As you may know the toy packages these toys came in all had very impressive art work on them....and that is the urpose of this post.
Sitting draing those cartoon characters was brilliant fun.  I want to keep my art fun so in between commissions I am going to produce various pieces of art work based on the 80's cartoons I grew up with.  I have loads and loads and I mean buckt loads of ideas to work on.

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